Why We Do What We do.
“Every single person understands what they do, but most of us don’t understand why we do what we do”. Ted Talks ~Simon Sinek~
Then, there’s no reason to explain “Why Warpspace does what Warpspace does”.(By the way, his presentation is amazing, recommend all to watch.)
First of all, the mission of Warpspace is;
“Lead the Frontier Era of Space with our CubeSat technology”.
There’s no boundaries in space, so no one can occupy. To keep the space as sustainable field for our planet and mankind, we regard the “Harmony” as one of the most important concept. One of our services「WarpHub InterSat」 represents the “Harmony” as concept, including the “Wit” and “Generosity”.
We believe that our service “WarpHub InterSat” will contribute to the global economy by enabling the space Big Data transaction.
The Issues We Must Solve
As it is said globally, there are plenty of issues caused by mankind, like climate change. Last year, huge forest fires happened 2 times, in Amazon and Australia. It’s not about local things, but ours. All of us need to face it and change something as possible.
In terms of solutions based on space business, Earth observation is the key, I suppose. The number of EO companies has been increasing as the downsizing of spacecraft and satellites, led by technological improvement. It’ll enable us to detect the forest fire, climate change, and so forth.
But capacity of RF coordination is limited managed by ITU. According to a research, 90 % of the EO data captured by satellite is not fully downloaded because the telecommunication infra is not enough, from space to ground, ground to space. That’s the issue Warpspace tries to solve fundamentally.
If this telecommunication bottleneck was eliminated and EO companies are able to access the data as they want, things will drastically change. The Earth Big Data, including atmosphere, maritime, logistics, primary sector, or any industry on Earth will make us better understand how things are and we’ll get the clue to solve issues on the Earth.
The word “Space” or “Space business” give us something adventurous impression like Mars exploration. But it’s definitely connected to all industries on Earth.
Again, we believe our service will make changes in EO industry and contribute more sustainable prosperity on Earth.